Saturday, September 21, 2019

Random links across the internet 19-07-2019

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Good links selected from all over the web
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The Lottery Hackers
Jerry and Marge Selbee were two Michigan retirees who figured out how to make millions playing the lottery. By Jason Fagone
Benjamin Clementine’s solemn sound
The Mercury prize ceremony took a sombre turn after the winner was announced last Friday. Benjamin Clementine, a 26-year-old pianist from north London, was momentarily lost for words when he won for his debut album “At Least for Now”. Then he dedicated the award to Paris, where he spent several years busking – and sleeping – on the streets: “I know that it’s about music, but I dedicate it to what happened in Paris about four or five days ago.”
House sends temporary spending bill to the Senate
Pentagon weighs sending missiles, jets to Middle East — Senator threatens to block Air Force nominee over Turnberry visits
Ndị ntọ atọrọla ụkọchukwu Katolik abụọ
Ndị uweojii kwuru na ha enwetala ụgbọala ndị ụkọchukwu Katolik abụọ ndị ntọ tọrọ ụbọchị Monde.
Hear the Isolated Vocal Tracks for The Beatles’ Climactic 16-Minute Medley on Abbey Road
The medley is such an impressive demonstration of The Beatles’ range of voice and sensibility that it almost functions as a capsule for the sound of their whole later career—all the weird narratives, blues, ballads, and gorgeously lush hymns and lullabies. What remains constant throughout every Beatles’ record—even before George and Ringo’s songwriting contributions—is the vocal and lyrical interplay of Lennon/McCartney, and it’s all on fine display in the medley.
Why would Donald Trump settle for a bad China trade deal? His 2020 reelection
The White House trade representative says Trump could get a better agreement with Beijing. But politics are pulling the president to the table.
Por que ações individuais fazem diferença no combate às mudanças climáticas
Será que trocar uma picanha por um prato de lentilhas ou decidir pegar um ônibus em vez de usar o próprio carro faz realmente diferença?
This is what war with North Korea would look like
Taking out North Korea's nuclear weapons won't be quick, and it won't be easy
What connects flying discs and good coffee? A lively mind fascinated by physics | Aeon Videos
You’re probably familiar with both of the US inventor Alan Adler’s most famous innovations, but considering how seemingly different they are, it’s easy to be surprised that they’re products of the same mind. That is, until you hear Adler explain his lively thinking process. Designed in 1984, the Aerobie flying ring has become a toy icon, selling roughly 10 million worldwide. The AeroPress, designed in 2005 to make single-cup servings of coffee as convenient as possible, quickly became Adler’s second great success. Inventor Portrait: Alan Adler reveals how Adler found the inspiration for his clever and hugely successful inventions.
Further musings and words of wisdom by a French journalist and historian living the United States
Read the Pentagon's New Rules for Military Trials — ProPublica
The Department of Defense has released its Manual for Military Commissions, 281 pages that detail the latest rules and procedures for military trials at Guantanamo Bay. ProPublica provides access to the manual.
Anambra steeti amachiela keke
Kọmishona njem dị n'aka n'Anambara steeti sị ha amachiela keke maka na-eji ya eme mpụ.

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Random links across the internet 12-07-2019

Material Email Template Good links selected from all over the web ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Merchants of Cool Creator Pens Videogame Backsto...