Sunday, September 15, 2019

Random links across the internet 15-06-2019

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Good links selected from all over the web
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In India, where sons are prized, we had a daughter and chose to stop there
"I think daughters are equally capable—sometimes even more—of taking care of their parents."
Sometimes Paradise Goes Unpaved
We had assumed for years that Winnifred beach was dead.
Preview: “Becoming the Story”
In “Becoming the Story,” EXPOSÉ returns to San Francisco and the steroid scandal that rocked the sports world.
Life and Death in the App Store by Casey Newton · Longform
Middle class apps struggle to survive.
Bring back the mammoth to fight global warming? It’s not as crazy as it sounds | Aeon Videos
In the barren reaches of Arctic Siberia, Sergey and Nikita Zimov, a Russian father-and-son team of scientists, are working on geoengineering measures that sound as if they’re ripped from the pages of a Michael Crichton novel: reintroduce a massive, bygone ecosystem to the Eurasian steppe, including mammoths developed from elephant-mammoth DNA hybrids. Their plan is not, however, just for their own amusement – it's to fight global warming. Placed in context, their idea isn’t nearly as farfetched as it sounds: the massive permafrost covering much of Siberia is in grave danger of melting away. If it does, dormant microbes frozen in the soil would wake and release enormous quantities of carbon into the air, creating a potentially disastrous cli
Apple’s Retail Army, Long on Loyalty but Short on Pay by David Segal · Longform
A look at Apple stores, where jobs are high stress, with low pay and little opportunity for advancement.
Six lamps to light up your life
Federal report says IRS could do more to regulate charities
The IRS doesn’t have the manpower to go after charities that flout the law, and it could do more to help state regulators target crooked operators, according to a federal watchdog report.
Four Tet Says London's Mayor Has Invited Him to Speak at City Hall About Fabric Closure
It went down in the DM.
Obama’s Russian Rationale for $1 Trillion Nuke Plan Signals New Arms Race
President Obama’s defense budget request for 2017 includes language that makes it clear that nuclear “modernization” really is about Russia after all.
O fenômeno José Serra
É inegável que não há nem sombra daquele ímpeto investigativo da imprensa que vemos contra outros políticos. Aquela volúpia fiscalizadora parece não incomodar nosso chanceler.
Pete Davidson was seen for the first time after his breakup with Ariana Grande, visiting his mom's house
The comedian canceled a Wednesday appearance at Temple University.

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Random links across the internet 12-07-2019

Material Email Template Good links selected from all over the web ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Merchants of Cool Creator Pens Videogame Backsto...